Mr Naveen R
CEO, SAM Group of Companies
The human resource is a major driving force for any county’s development. Developing useful industrious human resources needs laying a strong foundation from the roots (childhood.)
At Sam Gurukul we leave no stone unturned to achieve this goal by fully facilitating our children’s to become upright and useful citizens for the betterment of our country and future generations.
A child is a bank where you can deposit your most precious treasures.

Dr Suman R
Managing Director
Education is the basis of all progress. We at SAM GURUKUL believe in creating a healthy environment & by giving right education to kids . They are future of our Nation so let make the foundation strong.
We are confident that this school is the best place for your child. We welcome your active interest and involvement in the progress and activities of your child. We look forward to your continuous support.
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Mrs Reshma Naveen
There is no better way to pay back to the society than providing the most desired and important infrastructure in the form of education.
Here at SAM GURUKUL we tend to build a resourceful individual out of a naive human, rendering them the wisdom which will lead to broader perspective of life. We proclaims a powerful vision for the future of younger generation and has a deep understanding of responsibility to help shape their lives. We aim to unearth every child’s talent and provide opportunities which will enable them to discover something excited and enthusiastic for them by learning . The academics and extra curricular activities, add a remarkable educational experience in student’s life.
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